Tag Archives: Matt Moulson

A Little Advice For Some Free-Agents

With the dog days of summer upon us and the thrill of the World Cup in full effect, I thought that this would be a perfect time to talk about what everybody is thinking about anyways, NHL free agency.

It’s true that the NHL’s hot stove doesn’t get quite as much hubbub as the NFL or MLB but I assure you, this year’s free agency is rather interesting.

Certainly all 30 teams will be trolling the wire to enhance their chances for the 2014-15 campaign, some will have success and some will have buyer’s remorse. It’s a little different on the player’s side of things. Free agency is something that is earned; it’s a rite of passage for tenured players where they get to look into the crystal ball and go to the best place suitable for themselves. This “decision” is often botched and what were once promising careers simply float down the commode only to be remembered as the disappointment that they have become.

Here is a list of our “Dirty Half-Dozen” free agents and some advice that may help them along the way. After all, making the right decision is a process of eliminating the poor decisions, am I right? Continue reading A Little Advice For Some Free-Agents